Lahari Yoga

Health ~ Courage ~ Loving Kindness


We are so happy and celebrating that we made it through the storm! Welcome back!

L A H A R I • Y O G A

We stand for health, honesty, diversity,

courage, compassion, equality, and healthy boundaries.


The big picture, in which we still firmly believe, is that YOGA IS GOOD.

Yoga and Mindfulness are tools we can use to help us cope, heal, connect, and let go of the things that cause our suffering, including judgement, expectations, and fear.

We can turn to our practice to help us find PEACE and POWER in these confusing, unpredictable, and unprecedented times.

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DARING GREATLY - Group Meetings Starting in September on Tuesday Evenings

  • LAHARI YOGA 86 McKenney Avenue Saint Albert, AB, T8N 2G4 Canada (map)

What is The Daring Way™?

The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential workshop based on the ground breaking research of Dr. Brené Brown. The interactive workshop was developed to help men, women and adolescents learn how to show up, be seen and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing a courage practice that transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead. Wondering if The Daring Way™ is right for you? Well, let's see. Are you.... feeling stuck in your life, relationships, career, or overall personal growth? tired of the self-doubts, fears, and insecurities that hold you back and make you feel not ____ enough (i.e. good, smart, rich, powerful, worthy)? exhausted from trying to be all things to all people? wanting to embrace a wholehearted life, filled with gratitude, joy, and love? familiar with Dr. Brené Brown's books or TED talks, and interested to learn more about how to apply her concepts to your own life? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you've come to the right place. :) The Daring Way™ is a cost-efficient, personal growth experience that consolidates weeks of therapy/life coaching to jump start and accelerate your journey towards wholehearted living. Only Certified Daring Way™ Facilitators (or Candidates) are sanctioned to provide The Daring Way™ workshops. It’s important and courageous work that can transform your life and how you see the world. Daring Way™

Facilitator: Holly Tibble, Registered Psychologist 1790 Daring Way™


  • BOOK BY SEPTEMBER 15th $449 +GST
  • AFTER SEPTEMBER 15th $499 +GST

Meeting Tuesday Evenings 7PM-9PM for 8 weeks Starting September 27th through to November 15th.