Lahari Yoga

Health ~ Courage ~ Loving Kindness


We are so happy and celebrating that we made it through the storm! Welcome back!

L A H A R I • Y O G A

We stand for health, honesty, diversity,

courage, compassion, equality, and healthy boundaries.


The big picture, in which we still firmly believe, is that YOGA IS GOOD.

Yoga and Mindfulness are tools we can use to help us cope, heal, connect, and let go of the things that cause our suffering, including judgement, expectations, and fear.

We can turn to our practice to help us find PEACE and POWER in these confusing, unpredictable, and unprecedented times.

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Holistic Hatha Yoga Workshop - A Journey Through the Layers of your Practice

  • L A H A R I Yoga 86 McKenney Ave St Albert, AB, T8N 2G4 Canada (map)

Join Shambhavi Hughes at Lahari’s ‘Yoga University’ for an afternoon of playfully exploring and deepening your practice! As human beings we all have 5 Layers or Koshas within our subtle anatomy according to the yogic system.

These layers are named the Physical Sheath, Breath/Energetic Sheath, Mental Sheath, Wisdom Sheath and Bliss Sheath. Each student will have the opportunity to explore and delve into all of these layers of their being as they are led through a specialized Kosha Hatha Class.

Students will learn that the beauty of this knowledge and this practice is that these layers are all intimately related with the state of one layer directly affecting all the others. Therefore there is no magic key to unlock our bliss; rather it is already organically present within us all. The ‘key’ being the will to allow our bliss to re-grow and expand back to its fullest expression! All levels of students are welcome to attend this experiential workshop

Shambhavi Hughes, Yoga Teacher, B.Ed, Yoga Lifestyle Coach is leading a One Time workshop in the Moon Room

Earlier Event: February 8
Sunday LIFT Series Feb. 8th
Later Event: March 21
Dreams and Goals Workshop